Thursday, March 29, 2012

Tick Tock

So apparently I am horrible at having a blog.  Maybe it is because I am not sure how I want to use this space that was created for my summer abroad now that I am home in my fairly normal life in the states.  Maybe it is because I am just not disciplined enough to write regularly (ok, I definitely know it’s that).  Or maybe it is because I spend my Saturday mornings looking for reasons not to hit the next button and move on to my 5th episode of Smallville

Whatever reasons aside, I am writing now.  I am on spring break, and instead of just lounging around pointlessly, now that I have some time I am going to use it to do the things I never have time for- novel idea I know. 

Time is something that I have a hard time wrapping my head around.  I get it and loose it; use it and waste it.  I know how to manage it, but all the time managing in the world can’t keep time from slipping through your fingers the same as anyone else. 
What I am trying to say here is that four years ago I came to college, and now I am on the precipice of graduating and stepping into my next phase of life.  Four years is a lot of time; what do I have to show for it?

Looking back I actually have some cool things to show for the last four years.  But looking back I also realize that I can’t do anything about the past.  That time has already come and gone and now what I am left with is doing something with the present and making something of the future. 

So what will I do?  I have a bucket list of things to do pre-college graduation (starting this blog back up is one of them).  I think that is a good start.  This is something I have been praying about and that God has been working on me with- that eternity is coming. My life is fleeting, and it will keep ticking by as it wills.

My challenge to myself: make my last month of college count for something and be full of memories.

and for humor’s sake watch this video on the Ke$ha song “Tik Tok” because I think it is hilarious.

PS.... this is how bad I am at blogging. I wrote this last week on spring break and didn't post it till now.  I will get better at this.  "Do or do not. There is no try."

Monday, March 5, 2012

Catching Up and Counting Down

Dear 5 people on the internet who are actually reading this, 

Let’s see, it has been about 8 months since the last time I wrote.  I am sorry about that.  I promise I have plenty of excuses, but they are not worth wasting your time and attention with.  To catch you up in the last 8 months I have finished playing collegiate soccer =(.  Went out at number 5 in the nation and with a black eye; I’d say that’s going out in style.  I was pretty proud of that black eye.

You can't see it too well, but I am super proud of it!

Will proposed =)

He did good!   And I think that I am so lucky!

I am taking Mandarin classes at K-State =)
爱中国 (I love China)
…and have started finding possible ways to go to China in the future!

Currently I am up to being able to run 8 miles; I am training for a half marathon.  It is on my bucket list for this last year of college.

45 Days till the Half Marathon
60 Days till Graduation!!!
88 Days till the road trip with my sister
102 days till the color run in KC… nothing says fun like a 5K where the spray you with color =)
105ish Days till I move to Kentucky.  Goodbye long distance!!!
136 Days till The Dark Knight Rises comes out!!!
144 Days till the Wedding =)
145 Days till my first cruise!

I will post again soon!  Lots is going in on in life right now =)