Monday, March 5, 2012

Catching Up and Counting Down

Dear 5 people on the internet who are actually reading this, 

Let’s see, it has been about 8 months since the last time I wrote.  I am sorry about that.  I promise I have plenty of excuses, but they are not worth wasting your time and attention with.  To catch you up in the last 8 months I have finished playing collegiate soccer =(.  Went out at number 5 in the nation and with a black eye; I’d say that’s going out in style.  I was pretty proud of that black eye.

You can't see it too well, but I am super proud of it!

Will proposed =)

He did good!   And I think that I am so lucky!

I am taking Mandarin classes at K-State =)
爱中国 (I love China)
…and have started finding possible ways to go to China in the future!

Currently I am up to being able to run 8 miles; I am training for a half marathon.  It is on my bucket list for this last year of college.

45 Days till the Half Marathon
60 Days till Graduation!!!
88 Days till the road trip with my sister
102 days till the color run in KC… nothing says fun like a 5K where the spray you with color =)
105ish Days till I move to Kentucky.  Goodbye long distance!!!
136 Days till The Dark Knight Rises comes out!!!
144 Days till the Wedding =)
145 Days till my first cruise!

I will post again soon!  Lots is going in on in life right now =)


  1. Where are you planning on doing your half-marathon? Kalyn is doing one soon, too.

  2. I´m reading here too. :-) Jennifer from China. :-) So, just update when ever you feel like it. :-)

  3. Love the life update! :) Miss you girl!
