Monday, July 2, 2012

I'm Not in Kansas Anymore

I am no Dorothy, and Lexington is not the Emerald City, but I couldn’t help but make one of those Kansas jokes that I always role my eyes at. Because it is true, I am not in Kansas anymore. This college graduate has been transplanted to the Bluegrass State of Kentucky.
Summer kick-off!
I am a college Graduate!!!!

The whole group stopping to enjoy the view- it was a GREAT day of hiking!
It has been a wild summer so far.  I graduated in May, and proceeded to spend the rest of the month either in my empty apartment with no internet/working in the Admissions office at school OR I was in Leavenworth doing marathon weekends of wedding crafting and planning.  (managed to sneak in a weekend of Camping at Red River Gorge in KY with Will and a bunch of his friends!)

eating our campfire tacos =)

That was phase 1. 
Phase 2- road trip. 
Me at Mes Verde National Park
Basking in it's epicness. 
World's Largest Ball of Twine-
One of Kansas' many treasures other than the two of us =)

Road trip back from Cali with Dara. That was a long drive, but we got to see so much of the beauty of God’s creation. When I see the painted mesas in the desert, the snow capped Rockies, or the way that Western Kansas is so fertile I can’t deny the majesty of my Creator. I have to give him props for the masterpiece that I find myself placed in. Anyway, that trip was a fun time. Lots of good laughs and memories made to kick off this new season of life I am in.

My mom's awesome gift!  This beautiful tray
that will always remind Will and I how special China is to us

Delicious Gluten free desserts at my shower made by Dara

There were about 2 weeks of in between time in there that were spent getting ready to move, preparing for and having one heck of a bridal shower (kudos to Dara for being a fantastic Maid of Honor)!  Oh, and in that 2 weeks I was hired for a job in Lexington! I hung out with family and friends, AND I got our marriage license! There was a lot to fit into those two weeks….

Paul, Melanie, and I.
Bff's since high school.

Phase 3- The day finally came for the move though! June 14th
The van was full of boxes and what not and my car was full of clothes and we set out east on I-70.  Until we had to turn around and head back west 2 hours into the drive because the transmission in my car decided it only had a few hours to live.  Oh Ellie (that’s my car), why oh why…. Other than that though everything went great.  This summer of change as merged from one thing to the next seamlessly.  In fact, two weeks later Ellie and I are reunited, and she is running like a dream.

As for life in Lexington- I am loving it. I moved on a Friday and started my job on Monday.  I instantly began a routine and don’t have enough down time to get stir-crazy bored. =) You are probably wondering what this job is.  I am the “Business Administrative Assistant” at Summit Engineering.  I like it a lot.  The people here are really nice, and I get to learn new things at my job.  I am the crazy-youngster-honeymooner here, but I think that they like me.  This was definitely a door that the Lord opened, and I am really grateful for it.  It gave me a lot of peace of mind moving here knowing that I had a job to start at immediately.

Right now I live with another young married couple.  The wife Holly is also gluten free and bit of a fitness junkie like myself.  Also she loves Jesus too.  I know, match made in heaven. Too bad she is moving to Cincinnati at the end of the summer (she has a blog and is WAY more disciplined about it than I am: ).
Actually the house I am living in now will eventually be where Will and I live after the “Big Day,” which is less than 4 weeks away!

So before I overwhelm you with all the changes in my life over the last two-months I will leave myself things to talk about next time. And something for you to look forward to: Zucchini updates!

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