Sunday, July 3, 2011

A Sunday in Beijing...

So today we learned our lesson, always plan ahead.  We learned it yesterday and learned it again today when shopping, but we will ignore the gluttonous shopping memoirs for now… It was a humbling experience.

But more importantly we went to a Chinese church service.  There is a legalized Christian church here. This church felt rather Catholic and rather Western. I can’t tell you if they taught sound doctrine because we went to the Chinese service.  But what I can tell you is that during the reflection time at communion all I could think of was Ephesians 4:4-6.  The Chinese and us are equal.  I may be a Bible college student who has grown up in the church, but I am part of the same salvation, am a temple of the same Spirit and have my hope in the same eternity in Heaven with the Lord that they do.  

So I am in no way above the Chinese believers.  I came here because I felt the Lord calling me here, but that does not give me grounds to be above them… God only called me here to worship Him and make Him known in doing so.  Even if I were here with the sole purpose of discipling these people I would still not be above them.  We are brothers and sisters.  There is no favoritism in Christ. 

Fellowship with our brothers and sisters is so important…  it is essential in America for success as a Christian, and it is essential when you are not in America as well.  Realize that we all have something to learn form each other, and we need each other.

In Him,

Ps… I bought a pair of shoes from a woman wearing cross earings…. Turns our we are sisters!!! That was a blessing. 

PREVIEW: Tomorrow the Great Wall tomorrow!!! 

1 comment:

  1. See, you say "The Great Wall", and I naturally think of a Chinese restaurant. Turns out I'm a little off. Can't wait!
